Sunday, November 4, 2007

Executive Board Meeting Minutes November 4, 2007

Executive Board Meeting Minutes November 4, 2007 - Taken By Vince Karlen

1) Discussion of the fundamental vision of our club
1. educate those around us on political matters
2. compel those around us to become actively involved in political activities
3. build an infrastructure so that the club can continue in coming years

2) To achieve this vision
1. eBoard will more proactively accept and pursue its responsibilities as
elected leaders, projects must be seen through to completion
2. within eBoard, effective delegation must consistently occur, with constant
communication and updates between members, and Co-Presidents must be
responsible for the oversight of all projects
3. set concrete deadlines for projects and events

4. the eBoard must improve transparency with its members, including
a) making transparent the minutes of eBoard meetings
b) openly inviting members to eBoard meetings should they be interested
c) revising seating arrangements at meetings to achieve more inclusiveness
d) more effectively communicate various opportunities in which members
can get involved, and rally as an organization around specific events
that a large member of the club will be involved in
e) more effectively advertise our website, which is to serve as a constant
and up-to-date source of information

3) Recent developments, namely the resignation of:
a) Amanda Navetta- Advertising/ Publicity
b) Barry Ennis- Events Committee
c) Jessica Yant – Secretary

An election for a new Secretary will take place at Thursday meeting.

4) Voter Registration Drive in the Quad!
Wednesday (11:30 to 1:30): Nick, Patrick, Becca, Josh, Vince (for the 1st half hr)
Thursday (11:30 to 1:30): Nick, Sarah, Patrick, Josh, Vince
Becca will make a quad poster as well as posters in Residence Halls.
Josh currently has 5,000ish registration forms.
Oxy for Obama will help in this drive (in a non-partisan way).
All club members are encouraged to come and help…look for our table in the quad!

5) Other
a) Nick assumes responsibility of Oxy Dems facebook account
b)Nov. 14th Up ‘til Dawn St. Jude fundraiser event

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